We are passionate about Zambia growing plants
Who we are
We a team that is passionate about encouraging people to maintain more plants inside and outside their homes.
We do this buy providing corporate plant rental services, media coaching for small businesses, garden advisory services.
Find out more
At Greenspace Zambia, we can advise our clients on how best to realistically achieve their plant design within their indoor and outdoor space through our Plant Rental Service.
Greenspace Zambia have partnered with The Mocha Puddle Bakery and Cafe and now stock potted indoor and outddor plants in the location.
As part of Greenspace Zambia's social responsibility project, we share information through social media, on gardening and the environment in Zambia.
Why we do what we do
We are passionate about plants and we know we are part of a community of enthusiastic urban gardeners and farmers. We want to provide a platform where gardeners will be able to share their experiences.
We also want to bring together the issues around urban environment as regardless of whether we grow flowers or food, the natural environment will affect us all and so we need to manage it responsibly.
Meaningful change takes a village...
With time we hope to provide a platform, through this website and our social media which will provide information to inform, educate and inspire gardeners, farmers and conservationists in Zambia.
We hope will motivate more people to engage in home gardening or agriculture while making responsible eco-conscious choices.