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with us


Greenspace is a source of useful information, advice for people who want to promote healthy lifestyle choices here in Zambia.  We have a growing online audience and a monthly newsletter through which you can communicate your message.


We partner with businesses and projects that compliment our philosophy and are organic, environmentally friendly. This include plant nurseries, garden and agricultural equipment suppliers and producers of eco-friendly products.  We reserve the right to decline any advert that we believe may undermine the message of sustainability that we are promoting.


We have a growing online audience of people interesting in urban gardening and urban agriculture, through social media and a monthly newsletter, through which you can communicate your message.


Banner block are available on the homepage and other pages of the website. 

Garden Directory

The Garden Directory Page provides free listing of businesses and sponsored featured sections.

Social Media

Collaborations are available on your Youtube, Facebook and Twitter pages.


Our newsletter features issues and trends in gardening including active promotions.

Our Audience

Greenspace Zambia is active on six channels; Google (Website & Business Profile), Youtube, Facebook (including the Ecofriendly Gardening in Zambia Group), Instagram, X, LinkedIn and also publish a monthly email newsletter


Our target audience is urban residents in Zambia who are interested in home gardening, in these main categories; creating beautiful gardens, growing food and encouraging biodiversity. Our combined audience as of April 2024 is about 6000, with the largest proportion based in Zambia; Lusaka and other urban areas. All of this people have subscribed specifically to receive information on Zambian gardening and urban environment.


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Many members of our audience subscribed because of the video content which few companies in the horticultural industry do consistently.  This provides a good opportunity for organisations that have environmentally friendly products and services and well as health as lifestyle brands to speak more directly to this group of people. 

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As many digital marketers know, subscriptions are nice but engagement is a better metric to determine if investment in advertising will convert.


Not only do we have a large organic reach but we also have a reasonable level of engagement i.e. people commenting, liking and sharing.  This is a good measure of how much your audience 'cares' about the post content they are seeing.

The Thinking Green Newsletter


A growing number of people in Zambia, do want to connect to a community which is made up of people who genuinely want to be eco-friendly. We facilitate this through our newsletter where we share updates of what is happening in the gardening and green community.


Newsletters are known for having a higher conversion rate.  This is because people receive it directly into a personal space that they check regularly, compared to social media where they can miss a post if they check late. Because of the relationship of trust that is built by being consistent with our content they are more likely to read the emails we send. 


One line advert space (with link)is available for free in this monthly newsletter. 



Greenspace Zambia provides information on gardening and the environment in Zambia, to inspire Zambians to practice sustainable gardening and create greener cities.

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© 2023 Greenspace Zambia.  All Rights Reserved

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