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We practice food self-sufficency

Homestead Zambia

Useful links

Homestead Zambia is a Youtube channel focused on small scale and subsistence farming.  Homestead Zambia is the sister channel of Greenspace Zambia. The channel is still in it's infancy but with time will provide a depth of practical information for people living on smallholdings in Zambia.


 Agribusiness is on the increase in Zambia, however, lost in the discussion is food self sufficiency of households.  Many families have no other choice but to live off the land.  We hope to share ideas and tools that will enable them to do so comfortably.

Homestead Channel Themes

Share your story

The channel is still growing and we are always looking for more stories of small farmers to share. 


If you would like to contribute by suggesting a story or profile please email:

Homestead Zambia Online

This channel is coming soon!
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